Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Self-Imposed Hiatus

Actually there's no big righteous sacrificial moment of morality causing me to step away from the blog.  It's just that, well, I started another one.  COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.  I have a project I'm working on and I started a family-friendly blog to document the work I'm doing.  And I'm not ambitious or organized enough to juggle two blogs.  So you probably won't see me around here much for a while.  As if you had seen me much this month. 

But before I go, I'd like to apologize for the giant pity party I threw in my last post.  I hate it when I do that.  And then I get mad at myself.  And then I go into an even bigger funk.  And then I yell at myself for wallowing in my misery instead of doing something about it.  And then I cry.  And it gets ugly.  I don't know if it's over, but I've been trying to at least distract myself from it for a bit.  Doesn't fix the problem, but at least I get a break. 

Anyway, if you're reading this and want to know where the new blog is, email me.  If you don't know how to email me, then you don't get to read the new blog!  I'm sure I'll be back here one of these days.  Probably when my family does something insanely stupid.  But just wanted to give a heads up as to why I'm going to be missing for a while. 

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