Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hypocrites are Awesome

Let me just get this out in the open right now: yes I am aware that I have my moments of hypocrisy.  Everyone does.  I try to keep it in check as much as possible, but it happens.  Anyone who says that they are never a hypocrite is completely full of shit.  In fact, people who think they are never hypocrites are probably the worst.  Crap, I think I just made myself the worst there.  Okay I suck.

But here's the worst kind of hypocrisy - the kind against me!

Wait, umm, no.


I don't know.

Designated Hitter's sister is an interesting character.  Thankfully she likes me.  However, she's one of those people where you always wonder if she really likes you, and even if she does like you is she talking crap about you behind your back.  You should hear the way she talks about her own kids and her husband.

Anyway, I have never ever heard her say anything good ever about her father-in-law.  Ever.  Even in front of her husband, she's badmouthing him.  Well he passed away recently, and now Sis is just going on and on and on about how awful it is and thanks for all the support and love and prayers during this very awful time and how sad it is that he's gone and yadda yadda.  I know there's the whole "don't speak ill of the dead" thing, and it probably is really sad for her husband and kids, but seriously.  You made it pretty blatantly obvious that you didn't like the guy.  Don't pretend now that he was your best buddy.

There's a lot more in that family that makes me twitch.  Tons of stuff that makes me wonder what they say about me behind my back.  Kind of long stories that are difficult to explain (and even just this little story was starting to drive me nuts with pronouns) but I just had to vent about that.  Thank you, that'll be all.

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