Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Inboxers and Briefs

Hotmail hates me.  Last night I spent about a half an hour writing an email to Buffalo Bill.  Long story, but the short version is I had an Excel file full of information he needed and he doesn't have Excel and he didn't need everything in the file anyway so I just wrote up what he needed.  I wanted to go to bed but I'd promised him I'd have it to him yesterday.  Designated Hitter was being his eternally helpful self [/sarcasm] and kept going on about how "well you should be able to imbed the Excel sheet into an email, I mean you can in Outlook" and I had to repeatedly remind him that I'm still using Hotmail (don't judge me.  well, I mean people who aren't Best Friend shouldn't judge me.  people who use grown-up email systems, and who aren't reading my blog.  wait, umm, moving on)  Then this morning I wake up, log into my email, and Hotmail went and added the ability to imbed Excel into emails!  8 fucking hours after I needed it!
But that isn't really why I'm making this post.

Here's a little background - I hate clutter.  Hate it.  Designated Hitter is a packrat, and this issue has been a big problem for us for a long time.

However, I have one place where I am apparently also a clutterhound.  My email inbox.  I currently have over 5000 emails in my inbox.  I think I need an intervention. 

I'm sorting and deleting.  Mostly deleting, but there are some things I wanted to save (hence the reason I'd kept EVERYTHING.  cuz I'm smart like that)  I am making new inbox folders.

 These make so much more sense to me than the "normal" approach I'd taken 10 years ago... and never used.  However this emergency sort-and-file could take months.  I need beer.

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