Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's a Dog's Life

The Prom Queen has issues.  Mostly she has "I don't need to learn anything because I already know everything" issues.  I once got in an argument with her because she was convinced that she had a lobotomy.
this seems unnecessary for a pregnancy... 
on second thought.....
After a lengthy discussion, we finally figured out she was trying to say "phlebotomy" but even when a dozen people were confirming my definition of the two words, she still wouldn't believe me.  So yanno, maybe she did have a lobotomy.  Or maybe she needs one.   

So the latest issue... she's a veterinary assistant.  She went to school to learn things about working with animals in a vet clinic.  And she is working in a vet clinic.  Somehow she has never heard that onions are bad for dogs.  My vet says so, my friend's vet says so, and Muppy projectile-vomits for three days if he gets ahold of food with onions in it.  He turns into the Puke-Me-Poop-You from "Attack of the Killer App" (pretty awful Futurama episode, but that line made me laugh)  But when I said that I can't let Muppy eat anything with onions, Prom Queen goes "oh don't believe all that shit".  Okay, I won't listen to my vet.  Or other vets.  (sidebar - the vet she works for is a pretty nice guy, and he's the only vet in our little podunk town, but he's kind of an idiot.  he has no common sense when it comes to animals.  even with Prom Queen working at the vet clinic, Buffalo Bill calls the vet in the next town over whenever he needs anything done with our livestock.  go figure) 

She drives me nuts.  I mean she's only 25 and yet she's convinced she knows everything.  She seriously still acts like a high schooler. 

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