Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Hell

(You were supposed to sing that title.  I know "Hell" and "Christmas" don't have the same number of syllables, but I have faith in you.  You can make it work)

Okay, the whole whopping two of you that occasionally read my blog already know most of the bullshit that surrounds my Christmas world.  I won't bore you with repetition.  Again.  Over and over again.

Moving on!

However, my sister in law the Prom Queen just inspired a new picture and I couldn't resist drawing and posting.  I don't know how everyone works a gift list, but in our family you make a big-ass list of a whole bunch of suggestions and let everyone kind of pick and choose what they want to give.  And if you don't get everything on your list, either you live your life without it or you go buy it for yourself after Christmas.  And life goes on.  Well, Prom Queen hasn't quite figured out that a wish list is just that, wishes and suggestions.  It is not a DEMAND LIST.  So she will get pissed off because she has to spend so much money on Christmas gifts because there are like 50 things on my mom's list that nobody else has gotten for her yet and they just HAVE to be purchased.  And apparently she has to do it because the rest of us are too selfish and dumb to get what mom wants.  There's a huge long story that goes with this which is full of boring details... ask me if you want to know.  But the moral of the story is, nobody can explain to her that wish lists are just suggestions, not demands.  I know my brother has tried to explain this to her before, and it just led to them having a big fight.  And I got this vision in my head:

(If you're confused by the head wound, see this.  I just had to leave it in)

Merry Christmas Everyone!  *sigh*

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