Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Meppy Birthmas To Me!

Meppy Birthmas is way better than Harry Christday, no?

Last year I told all of my family and all of Hitter's family that all I wanted for my birthday and for Christmas was Kohl's gift cards (no this is not a paid advertisement)  Hitter had an old cheap stand mixer from long before we got married, and I've been getting progressively more annoyed with it as it proves time and again it just isn't up to the kind of abuse I like to throw at it.

I apparently make frosting out of concrete

I NEED a KitchenAid (also not a paid advertisement) and come hell or high water, I will get one!  I knew I couldn't just ask for one for Christmas, they're a bit much for my family's gift-giving budget.  And they're way too freaking much for Hitter's family's gift-giving budget.  But I still needed to give everyone a wish list, and I  only wanted a KitchenAid.  That's when I had the brainstorm.  

Today was the day.  I stacked up my cute little gift cards, I had Hitter's Kohl's charge card in hand (I don't have one), Kohl's is offering free shipping, and KitchenAids were on sale.  So much on sale that I splurged on the big honkin Professional one.  Okay time to do some math:

Regular price Professional KitchenAid: $500
Regular price Artisan KitchenAid: $360
(yes that's a pretty big difference, and until I saw the sale I was all prepared to just get the Artisan)
Sale price Professional KitchenAid: $399
Use of Hitter's Kohl's card = 15% off
Sale price Professional KitchenAid and 15% off: $339
(before you question my statistics, yes the Artisan was also on sale but dammit if there's anything I've learned from being a scientist it's that you can make the data prove any point you want it to!)

Professional it is!  And even though I was a bit afraid of looking like it's Christmas every day in my green kitchen with a red mixer, I had to get the red one.  I wasn't crazy about the shade of blue, don't want black, and really didn't like either of the gray-ish ones.  Plus I love red.  

It's ordered.  It should be here next week.  I am planning all sorts of things to make once it gets here.  Mmmmmmmm homemade bread!

Oh, but I had 5 gift cards and you can only use 4 at a time on Kohl's website.  So I saved one back (the smallest one) (smallest dollar amount.  they're all the same size cards) (you probably could have figured that out on your own) and since that was my first online purchase from Kohl's they emailed me a 10% off coupon on my next online order.  I will use that and the last gift card for some accessories soon.   

Then I went to the grocery store, and the little coupon machine at the register spit out a "$5 off your next visit" coupon.  I'm being rewarded for spending money.  Life is good!  Hitter should probably be afraid.  I might spend all his money if I'm going to keep being rewarded for it.  Did I mention I got a free camera too?  A free camera that's worth $500.  I am awesome.  

I think I'll go to the casino. 

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