Saturday, January 1, 2011

Twuhnnyleven: The Year of the Redneck

Actually, it's supposed to be 2011: A Year in Pictures.  But I keep pronouncing 2011 "twuhnnyleven" which strikes me as a bit redneck.

I have a project for myself this year.  No resolutions, I hate resolutions.  A guy I know posted on his Facebook page today "Every new year people make resolutions to change aspects of themselves they believe are negative. This year just be yourself" and I love that.  Of course I really don't like him that much cuz he's a Longhorns fan, but what can ya do...  

Maybe I should make a resolution to stay on-topic.

Project.  Photos.  Twuhnnyleven.  Right.....  This idea has been pinging around inside my brain for a while now but I'm sometimes a little slow on the uptake.  Plus we currently only have a giant honking dSLR camera with a couple lenses and a big-ass bag to carry it around in, which is incredibly inconvenient for random pictures.  Now I've gotten ahead of myself.

The project is to take at least one picture every day.  Some pictures may be important and meaningful, some will be random and weird.  There will be beautiful pieces of art, and there will be odd snapshots. Some will preserve memories, some I'll look back on and be all "what the fuck, me?"

Like I said two paragraphs ago, and way ahead of its time, I've been ignoring this idea because of the annoyance of always hauling around Designated Hitter's stupid purchase.  Don't get me wrong, as I'm learning how to REALLY use the camera I am falling in love with it.  But he uses it like a point-and-shoot so it's a giant waste of $1000.  Actually probably $1500 after he bought the second lens and other accessories.  And I want to buy more... another lens or two, a new tripod, sheesh I'm high maintenance!  I'm finally studying up on all the fancy things that bad boy can do.  Tee hee!  (if anyone's curious, it's a Nikon D50.  It has a few years on it now, and it's nowhere near high-end dSLR, but it's way more than Hitter needs and is becoming just about exactly something I love)  But anyway, we have a crapload of rewards points from a credit card so I'm going to use them to get a shiny new point-and-shoot that I can just shove in my purse and have it with me all the time.  I'll still use both cameras throughout the year, but the new one will allow me to take pictures more frequently and in places other than home.  

I'm not going to post them all on here.  Especially anything that's very identifying... still trying to maintain a touch of anonymity.  I haven't decided exactly where to stick them yet, I have an old picturetrail account where I'll probably at least start, but there's a limit on how much you can put on there without paying for the account (and I am kind of a tightwad, at least about some things) so I'm sure at some point I'll end up on flickr or something like that.  Not that big a fan of the flickr design though.  Hmm...  

Anyway, here's my January 1 picture!  This was taken this morning, a normal sunrise was going on behind some very interesting clouds.  

This size doesn't really do the picture justice.  But you still get the effect the clouds were giving.  

I'll get back to you on how I make this a redneck year... 

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