Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And in the morning, I'm makin' waffles!

It's a good thing I have no desire to go into politics, because I'd get so much shit for being a waffler of epic proportions.  However I firmly believe that I am not really flipping sides so much as I am just one of those that is capable of seeing both sides of any argument.  I told the Designated Hitter tonight that I kinda think that there is a little lie in every truth and a little truth in every lie.  And then I proceeded to completely convince him that the sky is not blue.  And he believed me.

This was not the basis of my argument

You may be asking just exactly what my point is.  And if you know me, you know that's a stupid question because I have no idea what my point is.  No, wait, I do this time.  

I make fun of Hitter all the time for being a corporate stooge.  He loves the giant mega international corporation he works for, worships at the giant corporate altar, sometimes I think he likes the company more than he likes me.  He's a power-hungry, money-grubbing, corporate-ladder-climbing asshole.  And I've told him so, in those very words.  And whenever he gets all gooey lovey dovey about precious company, I always take the devil's advocate approach and point out the other side of the argument.  And then today, I actually defended the evil giant because someone I know went way out in left field and was making completely unfounded accusations against said company.  Hitter got home from work tonight and the first words I said to him were "I feel like such a whore" 

So, yeah.  I seem to waffle.  Or maybe I'm a hypocrite.  Wonderful, now I can't even make up my mind as to what exactly is wrong with me.  WTF?  One minute I hate belovedest corporation, the next I'm defending it.  But it just all depends on the argument being presented to me.  Because I see both sides of every argument, and I seem to be surrounded by people who are black-and-white thinkers.  (I think I mixed metaphors there.  I see colors?  I'm surrounded by one-side-viewing people?  You know what I mean!) 

And I may be a whore.

But at least I never got paid for all my random sex!

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