Thursday, May 6, 2010


I'm off to a slow start here!  Yeah yeah I know I posted twice yesterday and am posting again today.  What I mean is I am not making much progress on the family therapy which is why I created this blog in the first place.

I have a million and ten things to yap on and on about.  I just don't know how to start.  This happens a lot when I have something I really need to talk to Designated Hitter about but just don't have the courage to start the conversation.  He'll finally take me out and get me drunk, and then I'll start blathering on.  Once I start, I not only don't stop but I even add in other topics that I didn't know I was pissed about!  Then his only option is to keep pouring beer into me until I get so drunk that I either pass out or I have sex with him.  Although why he finds this attractive I am not quite sure

 I need to find a way to start facing the insanity.

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