Thursday, May 13, 2010

You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor

Back in my late-teens, there was a guy I was interested in.  He was into the rodeo thing and one time during our senior year he lassoed me in the high school parking lot.  Let's call him Roper.  Some day I may tell the whole Roper story but it's way too long to go into right now.  Anyway, after a year and a half of alternatingly one of us wanting the other but the other being unavailable, we were finally single at the same time.  We made plans to go out on a first date together.  I made the mistake of admitting to Designated Drinker and Bran Flake who I was going out with that night (it was after I had moved out to go to college, but was back home over Thanksgiving) and I am not even kidding you they sat me down and said that they didn't want me to go out with him because afterward I would leave the state again and leave them at home to have to deal with how it would look to everyone else in town.  Seriously.  This guy wasn't a serial killer, his family was normal, no criminals or dirt bags or anything.  Just another normal small-town farming family.  Roper and I were just planning to go to dinner and then go home. 

How did I respond to this attitude from them? I told Roper to find a dirt road and
for 3 hours.

And it was good.  And we did it again over Christmas break.  Twice.  We never did really "date" in the sense of being in a relationship.  We just had a one night stand, in triplicate.

I have thousands of other stories of how I rebelled against them, but that one's my favorite.   Buffalo Bill also has the same rebellious attitude... whenever the parental unit pushes either of us, we push back.  And now we have gotten so used to pushing back, that we do it with others too.  As I mentioned a couple posts ago, Buffalo Bill and Prom Queen are currently separated.  One of the big problems they have is that she is extremely needy and insecure.  He will be out working on the farm, and she will call him on his phone like every 15 minutes "Where are you?  What are you doing?  Who else is there?  Why aren't you back inside yet?  It only took you an hour yesterday to do this, why is it taking you an hour and a half today?  You need to hurry up and get back in here, I don't trust you.  Are you SURE there isn't anyone else out there with you?  Are you REALLY still on the farm?"  And how did Buffalo respond to this pressure?  By leaving the farm and finding himself a female friend.

I was telling Designated Hitter about all this the other night (the part about my brother, not the part about Roper) and when I commented on Buffalo Bill's rebellion to Prom Queen's pressure, Designated Hitter goes "wow you two really are related!"  Not that I've ever cheated, but he is fully aware that I don't take well to being told what to do. 

This post ended up a lot more about sex than I thought it would!  This was just an intro to my deviant ways... there will be more coming in the future.


  1. More deviant ways or more sex? or more deviant ways to have sex? ;)

  2. D) All of the above! (and some drinking too)
