Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sweet Three-toed Sloth of Ice Planet Hoth

I'm so excited I can barely contain myself!  Two brand new Futurama episodes tonight!  I'm all tingly.

In honor of the event, I think I'll dye my ponytail purple and become a cyclops (here's a fork you can use as an eye-poker)
I gotta go bake Designated Hitter a cake.  That is unrelated to Futurama.  It's related to me being up for the Best Wife Ever award.  He has gone on and on ad nauseum since before we were even dating about this chocolate angel food cake that some old lady used to make for his grandpa (I'm not sure why another old lady was making cake for grandpa when grandma was still alive... maybe Hitter's family is kinkier than we thought) and finally I asked Hitter's mom if she could track down the recipe for me.  Turns out the Cake Mistress is still alive!  But she's in a nursing home, so we had to hurry up and ask her before the recipe went to the grave with her.  Today is attempt #1 at recreating a piece of Hitter's childhood for him, and plot #1 to win Best Wife Ever.

Update: I ruined the cake.  Don't drop an angel food cake while it's still hot.   Probably don't drop it ever, but definitely not when it's still hot.  All structural integrity was lost.  It's a nasty chewy mess of a semi-squished cake.  Pardon me while I go cry a little.

Another Update: I'm not sure the new Futuramas were quite worth the excitement.  I can't quite put my finger on it but something just isn't right.  Maybe I should be patient and see if either I was too hyped up or if they just need to get back into the groove.  Wait!  I know what was wrong.  They tried too hard to fit in.  I loved Futurama for the nerd jokes and the subtle things.  They spent too much time explaining their jokes and being self-aware.  And being all Comedy Central instead of being, well, nerds.  I hope this gets better, or I'm going to be sorely disappointed.  

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