Saturday, August 21, 2010

Reading is FUNdamental, this title is LAME

Let's just get this out in the open right now.
Okay I feel better.  Except not really.

As previously mentioned I got all sorts of hooked on the Harry Potter series.  I am one of those kinds of dorks that can re-read a series of books over and over and over.  My all time favorite (although HP might be giving them a run for their money) is the Anne of Green Gables series and I get that set out probably once every year or two and read them all, start-to-finish.  Well I had to give the HP books back to Opie but I really didn't feel I was done reading them yet, so I bought the paperback box set.  $49.95 at and free super saver shipping.  

I told Designated Hitter last night that I had done this (yanno, after it was not only ordered, but arrived and I'd already re-read two of them)  He rolled his eyes and laughed at me.  I told him to fuck off.

How is me buying a set of books any different than the approximately DOZEN magazines he gets every month?  Let's analyze.  He gets Beef Magazine, Successful Farming, Top Producer, Farm Industry News, Reader's Digest, Corn & Soybean Digest, a conservationist magazine, Farm Journal, National Geographic, Hay & Forage Grower, plus he gets the weekly Farmer Today paper and gets the local newspaper delivered three days a week.  I'll grant you a few of those are free publications, but still.  Seriously.  I guarantee you he spends way more than $50 a year in magazine subscriptions.  And this is the only major book purchase I've made since we got married 5.5 years ago.  I've picked up the occasional cheap paperback when we've been traveling, and he did buy me a big book for my birthday one year, but that's it.

And to top it off, earlier this summer I bought new office furniture.  We are sharing the home office, and I think we're okay on sharing the room but sharing a desk really wasn't working.  I cleaned out all the old filing cabinets and was putting stuff into the new ones... I won't go into all the details of the cringe-inducing shit I found, but the relevant-to-this-post discovery was a Reader's Digest from July of 2008 that was STILL IN THE SHRINK-WRAP!  It was two years old and he'd never read it.  At least I'm reading the books I bought.  And will re-read over time.  I mean if you could see my Anne books, they're really well worn. 

I'm just sick of people telling me I'm wrong, criticizing me for what I like, and telling me how I should feel.  I know how I should feel.  Leave me the hell alone.  And fuck off.

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