Friday, May 21, 2010

Bodies are for hookers and fat people

I am one of those but not both.  (Also, yay!  Bender quote!)

Yep, it's time for another installment of I-am-definitely-related-to-Buffalo-Bill (my brother, not the real Buffalo Bill)

We both have our "drug of choice".  His has always been alcohol, mine was food.  He learned how to be a common drunk from the Designated Drinker, I learned how to have an eating disorder from Bran Flake.  He has gotten into a whole lot of trouble over the years.  I weigh about 4 metric tons.

Actually the only reason I haven't gotten into a lot of trouble is because the following are not illegal:
1. minors to possess food
2. overeating in public
3. driving while eating

(yes, Buffalo has been arrested on all three of those alcohol counts, with a repeat on #3)

Also, I wanted to insert a picture here, but every time I attempted it I ended up with an image of me waving a donut in a police officer's face.  Somehow that wasn't working for me.  And I don't even like donuts.  One donut-free attempt had me being handcuffed with ketchup dripping off my chin, but I don't like ketchup either.  Weird.  Plus it looked like blood.  

Anyway, Buffalo told me a couple weeks ago he's quit drinking.  I don't know if he 100% quit or if it was just a mood (cuz in the same conversation he told me he was definitely divorcing the Prom Queen and he didn't love her... that all changed within 2 weeks) but he is at least recognizing his problem and making an attempt to overcome it.  *update from the future: apparently it was a mood.  We took beers to the pool this weekend after our grandma's funeral.  But he didn't get stupid.  Also, what kind of weird damned family has beer and pizza after a funeral?!?  Sometimes I do like my family.  We put the "fun" in funeral.

You can't quit food.  Well, I suppose I could try to convince a doctor that I need to get my nourishment from an IV drip

but I don't like doctors enough to even bother talking to one, much less attempt such a stupid request.  But I have been making great strides in recovering from a lifetime of disordered eating.

Anyway I've actually started to make some progress.  I've dropped about 12 lbs in the past 2 months.  No diets, no counting points or fat grams or carbs, no weird combinations of foods, no crazy exercise plans.  Just a shift in mental outlook and attitude.

Why I felt like revealing that now, I'm not quite sure.  But I did.  Maybe because I'm starting to notice a bit of a change in myself but no one else is noticing yet.  And my 5 year old cousin asked me yesterday why I was big around my waist.  *sigh*

There is a whole lot more to this, lots of introspection and psychoanalysis and soul-baring.  You know, boring stuff that is not even interesting to me. 

But now I must go to a funeral.  The fun just goes on and on!


  1. Love the MASH pic!! I honestly can't believe Buffalo said he was giving up alcohol, even if he doesn't follow through, just the statement, that's some progress! Glad he was able to drink in moderation at the fun-eral...but you're not weird on that end....every funeral for a family member (mine & DH's) has been followed by lots of drinking...we don't usually bother with the pizza though ;)

  2. Well the fun was at 4:00... and we were all from out of town... so we had to eat something! Especially since punkin niece and nephew were there... can't let the little ones starve *winks*

  3. Yeah, probably best not to let two children fill up on beer instead of food! *winks*
