Monday, May 24, 2010

You're a better man than I

Back from the fun.  Err... funeral.  Whatever.  I actually enjoyed getting to meet a whole bunch of relatives that I didn't even know existed.  Lots of weird coincidences were uncovered this weekend but I'm saving them for another post.  (I make that promise a lot, don't I?)

In case you haven't picked up on this yet, Designated Drinker and Bran Flake are... hypocritical? conceited? nuts?  Example: Drinker used to have this best friend... they were such good friends that we all joked that they were boyfriends.  Even Drinker and friend would joke about it.  But then one day that friend went and filed for divorce.  There's a super long story to it, but it does not include him being actually gay.  Anyway Drinker has treated this guy like shit ever since.  Avoids him, never invites him to go tailgating or golfing or anything with their big circle of friends.  Seriously, it's not even just the one-on-one stuff, Drinker has done his best to alienate him from the whole crowd.

Believe it or not, the guy actually drove 2 hours one-way to come to the funeral this weekend.  And even then Drinker didn't say much to him.  I was floored that
1. he even bothered to come, and
2. my stupid ass father couldn't pull his head out of his ass long enough to carry on a conversation

If it was me, I wouldn't have shown up.  If anyone treated me the way he's been treated, I woulda been all
*I created a "Use Frequently" folder for this picture

And I really would have been like that considering Drinker's own kid has also filed for divorce from his wife (although it's on hold.  I think.  I can't keep up) Holy hypocrite Batman!  You'd think he'd be able to bury the hatchet and make friendly again, all things considered.  

Apparently my parents still think they're superior, even though they're just the same as everyone else.  

Edit from WAAAAAAAAAY into the future: apparently they've at least somewhat made up.  Last time I was back home Drinker and the former "boyfriend" were at least talking and being nice.  Still not nearly as close as they used to be, but no longer being an asshole at least!  It's a start.


  1. WTF...that is surprising he came to the funeral...but wow, I can't believe Designated Drinker still wouldn't make nice in light of everything that's happened with Buffalo Bill & Prom Queen. Do you think there's any chance DD knows info about his friend's divorce that no one else does....something he did that is truly unforgivable?!?

  2. Huh, I never replied to a question from May...

    No, it isn't that Drinker knew something the rest of us don't. It's chronic behavior. He's ditched other friends in the past for divorces too. He had a friend from elementary school who he continued to be friends with clear until I was about 6 years old... then that friend got divorced and I don't think my dad has ever hung out with that guy again. And they had been inseparable. Definitely a trend here.
